Hoop makes you strong - on the inside
Hoop makes you strong - on the inside
Although the chaos brought by COVID-19 has thankfully passed, this page will remain for the time being, because clients are still required to sign a Covid waiver.
During the Covid crisis, the UK government Covid regulations kept changing, so we had to be ready for anything! As lockdowns eased, we were able to run socially distanced classes as well as classes with relaxed social distancing, depending on the rules in place at the time and on clients' needs.
Social distancing affected aerial hoop classes a lot because normally we work in pairs (see Spotting next paragraph). We had to be creative to find ways to run hoop classes with social distancing in place.
In class we usually work in pairs, one on the hoop, one spotting. Spotting is where a classmate provides different kinds of support for a person on the hoop. This might be reassurance, encouragement, support, guidance or very occasionally emergency rescue. It is impossible to be an effective spotter while maintaining a physical distance from your partner.
Under social distancing, spotting by classmates was not permitted, so we had to find different ways to adjust to this. We ran Sweet Spot classes where you brought your own spotter (from your household, for example), and Spotless classes with no spotters (and low hoops). When social distancing rules were relaxed, we were able to run Spot On classes without social distancing in which classmates did spot each other.
Before coming to your first post-COVID hoop class, you will be asked to read and sign a waiver and health declaration stating that you are taking part at your own risk, that you are aware of potential infection from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and how best to protect yourself and others, that you will adhere to UK government laws and guidelines regarding self-isolation for COVID-19, and that you will abide by the COVID-19 measures put in place by Outoftheblue. The declaration includes a commitment to stay away from the class if you think you yourself pose a COVID-19 risk to others. Spectators, drivers, Sweet Spotters, and any other non-hooping attendees will also be asked to sign the waiver form.
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