Hoop makes you strong - on the inside

Hangs, balances, core, strength, flexibility, stamina. Hoop from the fitness angle.
Aerial hoop is a gymnastic, circus-y type of exercise that you do using a large steel hoop suspended in mid-air. You may have seen aerial hoops in The Greatest Showman film or Cirque du Soleil shows. Aerial hoop isn't just for circus performers, though, it's for everybody. It's different, fun, and challenging, and it makes you feel confident, proud, and happy. Aerial hoop also develops strength, flexibility, balance, core stability, coordination, and spatial skills, so it's the perfect holistic body-mind package.
Aerial hoop is for everybody. You don't have to be young, female, slim, tall, or beautiful. You don't even have to be strong. Your strength and flexibility soon grow, and you start to amaze yourself at what you can do.
People who like doing aerial hoop LOVE aerial hoop. It makes us feel powerful, positive, confident and happy. Come along and discover the joys of aerial fitness.
Classes are currently taking place at Lower Holker Village Hall in Cark near Grange-Over-Sands. See the Classes page and the COVID-19 page for more details.
My name is Debora Field. I started doing aerial hoop just before my 50th birthday. In 2018 at the age of 54 I said goodbye to my old desk job and began a new life as an aerial fitness instructor running my own business. As a qualified aerial hoop instructor and personal trainer, I am thoroughly enjoying introducing others to the joys and benefits of aerial hoop. Teaching hoop is even more rewarding than I ever imagined it could be.
Your first class at a special reduced price.
Come and turn your world upside down.
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